Creations The Owners Wait For The Event The owners wait for the event, While their belongings wait for them. Nobody expected a rain but the umbrella, Not that it expected in this way. 隨身物品等它們的主人, 主人翹首等他們的活動。 除了傘沒誰料到這場雨, 除了傘也沒料到背後溼。
Creations He's in a Narrow Cave He's in a narrow cave, Dragon blocked him till eve. Here's the chance to freedom, But he's tired and needs a dream. In the dream he's walking alone, No one to greet, nothing to worry about. Good moments never last long, And
Weekly Notes #1: The Base、竹昇麵、好天氣 The Base 本週建了這個站。秉持著儘可能不折騰的原則用了Ghost,但是還是稍稍折騰了一點。 站的圖示放大頭貼怪怪的,於是做了個單獨的branding: 然後為了不讓圖片快速把VPS塞滿,用一個storage adapter把圖放到Cloudflare R2上去,結果發現S3 adapter們都沒人維護,於是自己基於其中一個做了個比較現代的TypeScript port,名字叫🐕💩⛰️(劃掉)GhoS3: GitHub - laosb/ghos3: A modernized AWS S3 storage adapter for Ghost.A modernized AWS S3 storage adapter for Ghost. Contribute to laosb/ghos3 development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHublaosb